Choosing bathroom equipment can be the best thing you do in your life or a huge mistake. What is certain is that you have to make an effort and fit all the elements according to building and arrangement standards to get a functional bathroom. Of course, if you do it successfully, you will never face problems like too much moisture or insufficient ventilation in the room.
But how do you fit all those elements in and still not detract from your dream bathroom design? Above all, it is good to work with professionals for дизайн на баня to get the most out of the bathroom facilities. Then, you should carefully choose the moisture removal systems and their properties to avoid unnecessary noise in the home.
So here are a few things you should pay attention to!
Sones rating
This is a measure of the loudness of the fan. The smaller this number is, the quieter the fan is. Most often, the quietest fans have a mark of 0.5, which means that they emit almost no sound. But according to many studies, 1.0 is enough for people who have low to medium noise tolerance.
Of course, not everyone is disturbed by the ventilation sounds in the bathroom. But if you want your home to be really quiet, then the Sones rating should be no more than 0.5 for maximum non-exposure to sounds.
CFM rating
CFM is a measure of the fan’s capacity to circulate air through the bathroom. The rule of thumb is that more powerful fans circulate air through the bathroom but are noisier.
That’s why you have to think carefully about whether the sound is the key feature that is important to you or whether the capacity of the fan removes humidity and air from the room.
Choose the right fan type
Most fans are centrifugal or axial. The first type moves the air in circular motions, and the other in a straight line. Centrifugal are often more expensive and noisier, but we must emphasize that they are also much more efficient than axial.
Of course, there are exceptions, especially with modern technology that allows the circular motions to be quiet enough to maximize the fan’s efficiency and still not cause unbearable noise.
Efficiency per Sone
Practice shows that there is almost no ideal combination of fan capacity and sound that interferes more or less. On the contrary, you will sometimes have to make certain compromises, depending on what is the key thing you need in your bathroom.
For example, instead of thinking only about Sones or the power of the fan, consider things from a higher perspective. If you manage to find a device that meets your requirements, then it is worth buying.
Of course, the choice also depends on the size of your bathroom and whether there is a natural source of ventilation somewhere. Sometimes bathrooms have small windows and then you won’t need a very powerful fan – which means you can choose one with less noise.
Of course, things are not so simple because manufacturers use different technologies, so you may get a loud but not powerful enough fan or vice versa. That’s why it’s necessary to think beyond these numbers and consider the space in the bathroom. Only then, you can make the right decision.
Other important factors you should consider
So far, we have listed factors that relate only to fans without considering other features. Therefore, we will now focus more on these things:
- Bathroom size ─ There are different types of bathrooms, especially regarding size. That’s why this should be a decisive factor when choosing fans.
- Size of the fan ─ This is a very important aspect of choosing a fan that does not make a lot of noise. Big fans are often optimized and use more advanced elements because there is room for everything. That’s why it can easily happen that big fans are quieter than small ones, which are based on simpler technologies.
- Installation method ─ This is another interesting factor, as the sound can be increased or decreased depending on where the fan is placed. If you place it on a wall connected to one of the rooms, you will hear more sound. On the other hand, if you place it on the ceiling, you might not hear any sound at all.
- Accessories ─ Some fans come with a lot of accessories. Sometimes it is a humidity sensor for automatic switching on, heating control, or lighting system. Sometimes additional features can be a factor for louder sounds.
Surely, there are plenty of factors that may affect the noise in your bathroom, but you need to find the right balance. Sometimes, things turn out perfectly, and you don’t have problems with fans, but sometimes, you may need to find an optimal way to manage the sound effects in order to have calm and silent life at your home.
Good tiles and bathroom door
This factor can greatly affect how much sound is heard in the home. If you have a good bathroom door and use the right tiles, you can technically soundproof the room without it affecting you or disturbing you. Also, you need to strategically choose the fan position in your bathroom.
Be very careful!
When installing fans, you must pay attention to the existing installations, but they must also be as far away from the shower or bathtub as possible. If you use such a solution, choose fan models that are certified for use in a humid environment.
With all things said, you should be able to make the right choice. Keep in mind that professional project leaders can manage all these things by your requirement, so you won’t have to deal with the challenges yourself. So, take your time, and plan the bathroom fan installation properly.
That’s the only way to avoid the fan noise. And surely, if you have some additional tips on how to manage these things, you can share them with us anytime.