Frogs are creatures of land and water, which originates from the Greek language and signifies “the two lives.” Most frogs are conceived...
Islands have always been a sight to behold. Be in those fairy tales which narrates the tale of a princess living far...
The goldfish in your fishbowl, the beautiful fish in the nearby aquarium and the grilled salmon on your plate may be the...
Dogs are one of the most desired pets in the world and specific breeds are in high demand due to particular characters...
The animal kingdom is full of amazing feats of nature like the ability to camouflage, fly at great heights and incredible strength...
There are millions of species of animals that are living on planet earth. All the species are not the same they have...
Feathers and wings have been its characteristic feature. Birds vary greatly in size. From the smallest being the bee hummingbird ( Mellisugahelenae)...
Aggressiveness is often associated with animals. And sometimes it is also considered as their natural trait. But there are some wild creatures...
With their colourful plumage and the fantastic ability to mimic human speech, parrots are one of the most popular pets. Parrots also...
If you think lions and tigers are the toughest animals in the world, you are so wrong and in for a surprise...
Just imagine why people spend so much money and effort to buy aquariums. The reason is very simple because fishes are one...
There are not only Humans Living on the earth. God has gifted us with many other plants and animal species like birds,...
Snakes are considered to be one of the most dangerous species. But the fact is those very few kinds of them are dangerous...
Volcanoes are a natural phenomenon that resulted from the immense heat under the surface including lava and rocks. Regions that are exposed...
Species that have the ability to produce light are known as Bioluminescence animals. Glowing will help these animals in attracting mates, ambush...
‘Fierce’ , ‘Wild’ , ‘Scary’ , ‘Cruel’. Animals are often portrayed as such an image that creates a border between them and...