Useful acquaintances help us in any area of life. And the sooner you make them, the better! Of course, college years are the best period to start networking, as thanks to it you can go on an exchange program, find an amazing internship and get a promising job.
Sometimes networking turns out to be unconscious – for example, when you rely on a friend who is good at something, and vice versa. But at most times, it is conscious. Basically, you aim at getting to know specialists from various backgrounds so that you will solve certain problems together.
In fact, creating the right environment isn’t just a strategy, it’s rather a way of thinking. And this leads you to amazing results! So how do you build your network of contacts? Below, we share 7 time-tested tips, but to use them in practice, you certainly need time and energy.
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1. Diversify The Geography
At college, there are certainly students from different parts of the country and from abroad too. Everyone has a unique experience, their own hobbies and interests. So, what stops you from finding like-minded people and gathering a team? That’s how you can implement projects and ideas.
By relying on the experience of people with different backgrounds, it is easier to expand your horizons. Talk about your dreams and goals, and look for what you and your classmates have in common. Don’t limit your conversations to discussing the curriculum or upcoming exams. Dig deeper: get to know them outside the classroom. Surely, people will seem much more exciting to you once you find out who they really are.
2. Attend The Forums
Today there are many events for students passionate about media, ecology, international communications, self-government and much more. Such projects are an ideal environment for developing your potential and social activity.
Well, there you will definitely meet students who share your points of view. And while the best assignment writing services complete homework for you, you can even organize such an event, helping others to get to know each other. Surely, being a simple guest is great, but why not go beyond the usual?
3. Find An Internship
After graduation, many students sign a contract with partner companies of their universities to get their first work experience. But do you really want to wait for graduation or should you try and start your career path earlier? Many companies look for trainees on popular online platforms. This approach is especially common in marketing agencies, financial corporations and international organizations.
You can significantly expand your circle of friends with talented professionals and learn a lot from them.
4. Take Part In Volunteering Programs
Helping others with your expertise and knowledge is a sure way to build valuable connections. In the future, these social investments can reap huge dividends – like assistance and support from others. And participation in volunteer projects leads to meeting open-minded people.
Start by offering your services to the organizers of sports, cultural or business events. That’s how you will easily establish contact with speakers and invited guests, and most importantly, you will prove yourself as an active and confident person.
By participating in volunteer programs, you give a huge boost to your organizational skills, develop leadership qualities and find a platform for realizing your creative potential. In addition, foreign universities and international companies truly appreciate such an experience!
5. Communicate Effectively
Here is a simple guide showing how networking works. Follow these steps and check whether it works for you!
- Stage 1. Determine places where you can go to make contacts. Even if you are an introvert who doesn’t feel comfortable hanging out, you need to stop hesitating. By the way, introverts make excellent networkers, since they are attentive interlocutors;
- Stage 2. Start a conversation. Sounds usual, doesn’t it? But this step is extremely important. That’s how you overcome your fear and awkwardness if any;
- Step 3. Work on your relationships. How to remind yourself so as not to be intrusive? How to keep in touch? One of the simplest networking rules is “3 for 30”. You need to contact a new acquaintance through 3 different channels within 30 days. Be it a social media chat, a phone call, or a personal meeting – never lose an opportunity to meet someone great!
6. Play Long
Don’t expect new connections to be handy at once. Of course, the potential of your network won’t be fully disclosed during your college years. But over time, they will improve significantly. A couple of years after graduation, you will already have a network to solve many issues.
7. Maintain Your Connections
Looking for new acquaintances, we tend to forget about previously established contacts. But if ties aren’t nurtured, they will soon weaken. And then you have to work on them again. However, maintaining existing connections is always easier than starting from scratch.
In fact, it’s not that hard. Congratulate your friends on significant events in their lives, follow them on social media, offer assistance if you can and think about how you can be useful to each other.
To Wrap It Up
Here’s a widespread mistake many students make. They wait for new contacts to bring immediate benefits. However, most connections become helpful after a long time. So it’s better to never limit yourself to the already existing social circle. After all, each person is unique and you never know what your acquaintance may develop into.
The most important thing is to stay open and confident. Become a person who always has something to tell, let your life be rich! Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd and at the same time, treat others with respect. Networking is primarily about mutual assistance, remember?
The main point of these connections are relationships built on sincerity, mutual interest and trust. Become a leader, support others with all your heart and people will be attracted to you like a magnet!