There are n numbers of abandoned and inhabited islands that exist around the world. We are listing 10 islands or enclave out of those which are abandon and famous for one or more reasons.
Vacant Enclave Where You Will Not Find A Single Human Being
1. Okunoshima Island
This vacant enclave exists in Japan. The island is the primary site for chemical weapons plant for Japan. The affiliated occupation on the enclave causes in clearing os these plant and hence causing free all the rabbits that are there. Japan did not speak a single word about this site but later the government has opened the Okunoshima Poison Gas Museum. People from all around to come to see the friendly rabbits that exist on these islands rather than the museum.
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They are actually groups of enclaves. They exist in the south of New Zealand. The environment here is too hard to live. The climate is very cold and clashing winds make life very tough here.
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Jaco Island lies in East Timor and also a part of Nino Konis Santana National Park. You will not find a single human being here because the land is considered to be scared. Only a few fishermen can be seen here. One of the vacant enclave in East Timor.
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The island currently belongs to Mexico. The history of the island is little complicated. it was first claimed by France but later Americans took over and mined it for guano. In 1914, there was a civil war in Mexico that causes this island to be abandoned. Later the island is again claimed by France but after World War 2 the island is completely abandoned till now.
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The island exists in the East River in New York City. The island has a vast history. The Americans opened a smallpox hospital here but a later hospital to other cases also related to venereal disease and typhoid.
It was this place only where Mary Mallon was caged for two decades. She died in 1938. She also was known as Typhoid Mary. The hospital has been completely shut down in 1942. The buildings still stand there and considered to be haunted by the people who suffered there including Mary Mallon.
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The island lies 15 Kms from the Nagasaki. The island lies above the coal seam that was mined from 1887 to 1974. When the coal business aborted the enclave left empty. However, the vacant enclave later was opened for the tourism in 2009.
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This artificial island was built under the supervision of Robert E. Lee. Robert E. Lee designed the island in a hexagonal shape. It was built for the protection of Baltimore. The island was still in completion state but by the time civil war started. The whole construction was halted. The army had abandoned Fort Carroll for good.
Later, the island was sold to a private developer in 1958.
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The island was situated at the starting point of the lagoon. It exists in Venice, Italy. The history of the island is such that in 1468 was designated as a quarantine area for any ships approaching Venice, to protect the city from the plague.
Later, Lazaretto Nuovo eventually became a military base. The Italian army abandoned the site in 1975. Now the island is a cultural museum site and it came under Italian Ministry of Arts and Culture.
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Tree island comes under disputed land. It is managed by China’s Hainan Province but the island is also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan as well. Tourists can visit the island with permission.
Palm Atoll island exists 1,000 miles south of Hawaii. The whole territory was owned by the United States. The whole island is uninhabited and unorganized. The only thing that the US built there is an airstrip during the world war 2. The airstrip is now fallen into ruins.
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