People get a pet for various reasons. However, the most common one is the improvement of their mood. For instance, when they are sad, their pet usually makes them feel better. It is not a secret that we all become childish when we play with our little friends. It reminds us of some of the most beautiful moments. Besides that, it always makes us feel relaxed when we come home after a hard-working day.
Anyway, getting the right pet is a challenging process. You have to think about many things before you finally decide which pet is the best one for your house. It is not a secret that most of the houses in the world possess a dog or a cat. Still, are these two options the only one that you have?
Research the Internet a little and you will see even some incredible things. You will find people that have snakes and spiders as their pets. Yet, the third most popular pet in the world is house bird and there are various reasons for that.
If you would rather choose a house bird than a cat or dog, you should visit to see which options you have. Still, if you are hesitating to get one, you should keep reading this article. Our intention is not to convince you that house birds are better than dogs/pets. Still, knowing which advantages you can get will make your decision-making process a lot easier.
Birds are Capable to Learn Talking
Let’s start with one scientific fact. Scientists have confirmed that birds are the only animals that are capable to learn to mimic our speech. This is probably a reason why people like this pet so much. Of course, this will not be a complete replacement for a human being. Still, this is not the point of having a pet, correct?
Anyway, we already said that coming from work and relaxing is one of the main reasons why people get pets. Well, you can teach your house bird to ask you “How are you?” You will feel better after working hard at work for 8 or 9 hours. This is not something you can experience with dogs and pets.
You Won’t Have to Walk Birds
Having a dog or a cat is a responsibility. Some people will tell you that taking care of a dog is like taking care of a child. Maybe their description is not correct, but you will have to split at least an hour or two to walk your dog. When you do not have a lot of free time, this could be a problem. Walking your dog only once per day is not enough. You sometimes even need to do that in the late hours. Besides that, it doesn’t matter if it is raining, snowing or too warm. You simply won’t be able to skip that
When we talk about cats, you do not have to walk them. Still, you will have to scoop their kitty’s litter box a couple of times per day.
All the duties that we mention you won’t have with house birds. House owners will have the chance to train their birds to “use the bathroom” in their cages. Of course, you will have to clean the cage, but it is not something you will do maximally once per day.
They Take Less Room
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You have probably asked your parents as a child to get you a dog or cat. Still, they usually refused that because of the responsibility they will have to take. However, people that live in a building have different problems. They do not have enough space for a pet. More precisely, it is much easier to keep a pet when you have a personal garden. This especially counts when you have a dog. Still, cats can cause a problem because they get nervous when their space is limited.
House birds won’t take you a lot of space. It doesn’t matter where you live and how big your apartment is. For instance, you can even keep a house bird in a small hallway.
Most People Do Not Consider House Birds as Pets
This could be a great advantage if you do not possess an apartment and you want to rent one. The majority of house owners will not accept to rent you an apartment if you plan to keep a dog or cat there. You have to understand them; these cute pets can sometimes cause huge problems. Even if they do accept, they will ask you for a larger deposit. Logically, they need to ensure themselves if something goes wrong.
However, that is not the case with house birds, and the majority of people are aware of that. More precisely, they do not consider them as “basic” pets. That could help you to find an apartment that satisfies your needs without leaving your best friend.
Saving Money
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We simply can’t skip this part because high expenses are one more reason why people avoid getting a pet. As we said, you will have many responsibilities. For instance, the biggest costs are those related to food. You can give your dog or cat food that you eat as well. Still, that food is not the healthiest for their organism. Making separated meals can sometimes cost you a fortune.
It will maybe sound silly, but house birds can make you live in a lot healthier way. Their meals are focused on vegetables and fruits. So, you can start making the same meals for you and your lovely pet. Their meals will improve your health a lot
Besides that, medical treatment of dogs and cats is a lot more expensive than medical treatment of house birds.
House Bird Won’t Run Away
Okay, let’s say that something like this is possible, but the chances are low. The only way how your house bird can run away is to keep your windows open. Still, even then, your bird may come back. On the other hand, you can often hear that a dog or a cat runs away from the house garden. Some people do not find them ever.
So, what do you think? Is a house bird a better pet than cats/dogs?