Every writer once in his life faces writer’s block when his mind is exhausted from the tight deadlines and assignments to submit. As a writer, a lack of imagination and ideas can be a big problem. Writing requires creativity and the best way to overcome all these challenges is to travel and take a break from your schedule.
The answer to writer’s block is to travel and disconnect from the internet for a while to get new stories to work on. Travelling also gives you new perspectives as you will be exploring the places you have never been to. When you travel and meet new people, hear their stories, and experience their culture you have a vast canvas of ideas to paint your imagination. We have listed down 10 such reasons why you should travel if you are a writer. Read on to find out the benefits of traveling for writers.
1. Freedom of Writing
Source: cnn.com
There are times when you have to write long essays for your assignments on the same old boring topics. So when you travel you have a lot of freedom to write about things you love and stories which you have experienced first hand. You can always give your essay writing work to domyessay team and have more time to write about what you love. You can write about the experiences you have in a chaotic country like India to the exotic vacation in any European country. You can write about food, culture, people, history, the architecture there is no limit when you travel and write about what you experienced and loved.
2. New Inspiration & Ideas
When you travel to different parts of the world, observing new cultures and soaking in the new experiences as a writer you get fresh perspectives and ideas to write about. You get to meet a lot of new people when you travel and get to understand their age-old traditions. These experiences give you the inspiration to write about something which is never written about whether that is fiction or non-fiction. The more you travel the more you experience and the more stories you have to write about.
3. The Authenticity of Your Writing
No one likes age-old stories to be told again and again in different words. When you travel you have first-hand experience of things which you have seen, the experiences which you have lived. As a writer having authentic experiences are very important to write something unique which is already not there in thousands of other guide books.
4. Potential to Sell and Earn Money from your writing
Source: medium.com
There are a lot of publications online and offline looking for something unique and out of an ordinary story to be featured in their publications. You can pitch your travel stories and experiences to their publication and earn money from your writing. This won’t be possible when you are sitting in your study room and writing about something you have never experienced.
5. Travel Improved Creativity
When you travel you never experience writer’s block. You have been to so many amazing places out of your comfort zone that you will be open to any new challenges and your creativity flows with each different experience. You have all the freedom to use your imagination and creativity to write about what no one has read before as you have experienced everything first headedly. Such travel writing skills you will learn when you start traveling and experience new things.
6. Your Network Will Grow
Once you start traveling you will meet a lot of new like-minded people. You have a network of people who are as passionate about writing as you are. Don’t be surprised if you get invited over the night to join a literature or book festival far in the different corners of the world. It’s the network that makes you more connected to the people like you.
7. A Lot of Time for Reading
Source: closler.org
Reading for any writer is the most important and must thing but you hardly get any time when you are stuck in the same old job. When you are traveling you will have a lot of time to read including long flights and layovers. You might never know you come with some fresh idea when you finish that book which you were not able to do due to lack of time.
8. Meet New People and Create New Characters
When you travel you have a lot of interesting people to meet and create new interesting characters. Every city and country has different people with different cultures. As a writer, you will have more opportunities to include any such character in your story. You never know you might be the next J.K Rowling.
9. Peace of Mind
It’s not an essay to have some spare time and relax when you have deadlines to complete as a writer. So, just travel and have that break which you were planning for a long time. Don’t take any writing assignments but just relax and rejuvenate yourself in the far corner of the world. When you have peace of mind your mind will be fresh and without any stress. For any creative writing, having a stressed mental state of mind is the most important thing and when you will come back from your vacation you have fresh ideas and new perspectives to write about.
Source: sommertage.com
10.You can Start Your Own Travel Blog
When you start traveling as a writer you have a whole ocean of opportunities to start your own blog and write about your experiences. You can be independent and work as you want while earning money from Google ads, brand collaborations, and paid travel partnerships. There are hundreds of companies looking for travel influencers and you can make a living by following your passion for travel.