Having a roommate can be life-changing. They are your family away from home and never let you get home-sick. Roommates take on the role of your worried mom, party with you like a sibling, and also scold you about your spending habits like your father. And here you thought you’re leaving your family behind!
If you’re new to the city, your roommate will also be your first buddy. They help you adapt and act as a massive savior in disguise. It doesn’t matter if you’re in university or a high-tech professional; living with a roommate never goes out of style! With COVID-19 and home quarantine, having roommates has never been more significant than it is today. Good roommates are a blessing in disguise! Use a roommate finder to find one!
As important as it is to have a roommate in these isolated times, safety comes first. With a pandemic ruling over the entire world, it has become almost impossible to venture out of our trusty homes. Humans, being social creatures, haven’t been more miserable before. If you haven’t started already, looking for a roommate is a one-stop solution to all your woes!
Eccentric times call for extraordinary measures! Here are the 6 best tips to find roommates safely and securely.
- Use a trusted roommate finder
- Find a room with an existing tenant.
- Ask your landlord/friends
- Look for social media ads
- Make an online ad
- Pin it to your office notice-board
Use a trusted roommate finder
Image source: unsplash.com
One of the most comfortable and cost-efficient ways of looking for a roommate is to use an online roommate finder. In our day and age, with everything being on the internet for our convenience, online applications are the most reliable way to look for a roommate safely. No more having to depend on newspaper ads and expensive brokers to continue your search. You can browse through a multitude of options while lazing around on your sofa!
One of the best roommate finders includes Cirtru. You can find the perfect match and your next best friend using this application. All the processes are contact-free for your well-being. Ensure that you only use a trustworthy roommate finder to get honest and dependable results!
Ask your landlord/friends
Many times, your landlords might receive applications for more than one tenant. You can always let them know regarding your need for a roommate. They could do the needful to fill up the vacancy. If you opt to share a room, your rent might be slashed to half. This way, the responsibility to find a good roommate for your apartment is transferred to your landlord!
Your friend-circle is the next best bet. You can always put a word out to your immediate circle and let them give you references if any. Your friends can also put in a good word for you, and something might just click!
Find rooms for rent with existing tenants
Image source: unsplash.com
Find a room for rent to save time and costs! A lot of the time, it is very time-consuming to find a roommate for your apartment. In these cases, you could look for rooms for rent in your neighborhood with tenants already living in. An online application can help you find the appropriate rental place to ease your worries. You could choose between various locations all over the United States with the click of a button. It doesn’t get simpler than this!
Look on social media applications
Social Media has its pros and cons. In the age of the Coronavirus, we’ve felt the advantages more than ever. Without going to any physical location, we can access anything and everything on the world wide web. Let social media be your best friend in this current scenario!
From our daily dairy supplies to a hair cutting professional, we find everything online. From Facebook to Craigslist, there is a myriad of options at your disposal. All you need to do is look at the relevant groups and online activities to find a like-minded individual to live with!
Make an online ad
Image source: unsplash.com
Make an inexpensive online ad now! You can put out online advertisements for free or a minimal amount of money for maximum reach. You can target a specific audience that is desirable to you with all the complex algorithms available to us today. Some people find traditional media more reliable than the internet. But with dozens of security measures in place, online roommate finders take the ball!
It is accessible and safe to scan through the applications from the comfort of your current home. It is a popular method adopted by young graduates to find a roommate to cut their costs.
Pin it to your office notice-board
Image source: unsplash.com
Have you been called to work from the office even during the pandemic? If yes, pin an ad to your office-board stating your requirement for a roommate. There is a huge chance that someone you work with is also looking for a new rental home. You have a better chance of securing a roommate this way because of the trust factor. Knowing the owner of the advertisement increases the chances of success.
Living with a co-worker helps you cut costs further! You can travel together and make the necessary food arrangements to fit your work pattern. Not to mention you can share work pressure and frustrations together. Who can understand your life better than a colleague? Post your ad on an office`s board.
These were 6 of the most popular ways of finding a roommate conveniently and safely. You can always use a convenient method suited to your lifestyle and preferences. Now that you’re all set to find a roommate safely, explore your options for a convenient and speedy search. Within no time, you’ll be wondering how you ever lived by yourself.
Happy roommate hunting!