Moving is not always an easy task. So many things need to be done, and you have to make sure that everything goes smoothly from the moment you start packing until your furniture arrives at its new home. You also want to make sure that it doesn’t cost too much either.
If you’re moving to a new state, be it for your job or because you want more space and better weather, many things can make the move easier. The tips below will help ensure that your out-of-state move is as easy as possible so you can focus on adjusting to life in a new location instead of stressing about what’s happening back home.
1. Pack a box of your most important items and keep it in the trunk of your car
This is an essential tip because this will save you serious time and stress when your moving truck rolls up.
If you’re packing in the middle of winter, it’s possible that things won’t fit into boxes properly, so try to keep those items separate from what can go in boxes. And if possible, pack items in the order you need to use them. Also, declutter the items which you don’t need any more so that you’ll have lesser boxes. Also, also sell these items online or donate them to charities.
2. Find out what time zone you’re moving to so that you can adjust your watch accordingly
It can be disorienting to arrive in a new time zone and not know what your watch says. And if you’re going somewhere with a major difference, make sure that the battery is fully charged on your phone because it might die faster depending on how much daylight there is where you are moving.
3. Choose a Reputable Moving Company
You will need to choose a reputable moving company. Check a list of movers at, get quotes of at least 3 to 4 movers which suit your budget, and hire the best and an affordable moving company. The movers must be adequately insured and licensed to avoid any mishaps during the process of your relocation.
4. Make sure to get the address, phone number, and email for all new doctors, schools, banks, etc., before you move
You won’t want to be in a bind when you move and not know where the nearest doctor or school is, so it is important to know everything in your new area before moving and taking the time to find out how things work.
5. Keep an eye on the weather forecast – if there’s a big storm coming up, then it might be best not to drive through it
This is the last thing you want to happen on your way and be hours away from home when it starts raining! So, it would help if you watched the weather forecast before you make a decision.
6. If possible, try to find someone who will take care of any pets or plants while you’re away
When you move, it may happen that on the first hand, you may not take your plants and pets with you, so find someone who can take care of them and make sure that they have instructions on what to feed them and how often, as well!
7. Please eliminate anything that doesn’t fit into your new home (or donate them) before packing up everything else
Keep in mind that you need to get rid of things that won’t fit into your new home before packing up everything else.
When it comes time for unloading and unpacking, anything leftover can be donated or thrown away with no guilt! Plus, this will make the process a lot quicker without worrying about finding room for all those extra items in your new space.
8. Pick up a suitable date for your move
You will need to pick a suitable date and book reliable long distance movers as early as possible.This is because it can take over two months or even more than three months, depending on the distance and route you are moving, getting an appointment with a trucking company.
9. Have an emergency fund set aside
It would help if you had some emergency funds set aside for the move. You never know what might happen during your relocation, and you need to be prepared for it.
10. Book an auto shipper and arrange for your travel
You must book an auto shipper to move your vehicles and arrange for your travel. It might be cheaper to do this in advance than booking it on the day of your move. For more details, you can check the RockstarProMovers.
11. Get a new driver’s license, registration, or anything else that needs updating
It is important not to get caught driving without your updated paperwork when moving state lines because it can be illegal.
12. Make sure there are plenty of outlets for electronics in every room where you will spend considerable time at home
When people move, they often forget about this essential detail! If you don’t have enough outlets for all of your devices, it might be best if someone goes with them to help make arrangements. It is also worth having surge protectors installed throughout the house since power surges happen more often than most people think.
Moving can be a difficult task especially if you are moving across the country or a long distance, no matter where you are going or how far away from home you are moving, but these ten great tips will make things just a little easier! If possible, plan ahead and take advantage of all the advanced planning opportunities out there, such as scheduling appointments with reputable trucking companies when they’re available, even if it’s months down the road; having emergency funds set aside for unexpected mishaps during relocation; arranging airfare, hotel accommodations, and car.