
10 Oldest Temples in the World


A sanctuary is generally characterized as a structure saved for religious or profound exercises. Sanctuaries have been worked all through the ages and numerous new ones. The antiquated sanctuaries on this rundown anyway were assembled millenniums back by individuals whose religion and accept frameworks are no longer rehearsed. These structures are among the most seasoned man-made structures found on earth. They fill in as a declaration to the divine beings and gods of societies and civic establishments long gone. Open their entryways consistently. Here is the list of 10 oldest temples in the world,

1. Stonehenge

A standout amongst the most well-known locales on the planet, Stonehenge is made out of earthworks encompassing around the setting of enormous standing stones in south-west England. Stonehenge was created by a culture that left no composed records such a large number of parts of Stonehenge stay subject to discuss. Proof demonstrates that the notable stone landmark was raised around 2500 BC while the last known development at Stonehenge was around 1600 BC.

The massive stones may have originated from a quarry, around 40 kilometers (25 mi) north of Stonehenge on the Marlborough Downs. It isn’t known for certain what reason Stonehenge served, however, numerous researchers accept the landmark was utilized as a stately or religious focus. Today, it is a famous vacationer goal in England and Stonehenge visits are accessible from a few English urban communities.

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Stonehenge, England

2. Luxor Temple

The Luxor Temple is situated on the east bank of the River Nile in the old city of Thebes and was established in 1400 BC during the New Kingdom. The sanctuary was devoted to the three Egyptian divine beings Amun, Mut, and Chons. This old sanctuary was the focal point of the celebration of Opet, Thebes’ most significant celebration.

During the yearly celebration, the statues of the three Gods were accompanied from Karnak to the sanctuary of Luxor along the road of sphinxes that associate the 2 sanctuaries. The celebration kept going 11 days during the eighteenth Dynasty however had developed to 27 days by the reign of Ramesses III in the Twentieth Dynasty. No longer a functioning religious site, occasions to Luxor are very famous with visitors these days.

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Ancient Egypt

3. Temple of Hatshepsut

The Mortuary sanctuary of Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt from around 1479 BC until her demise in 1458 BC, is arranged underneath the bluffs at Deir el Bahari on the west bank of the Nile. It is a colonnaded structure, which was planned and executed by Senemut, the illustrious modeler of Hatshepsut, to serve for her after death venerates and to respect the wonder of Amun. The sanctuary is incorporated with a bluff face that ascents pointedly above it and comprises of three-layered patios achieving 30 meters (97 ft ) in stature. These porches are associated with long inclines that were once encompassed by greenhouses.

Also Read:Top 10 Most Beautiful Ancient Egyptian Temples

Ancient Egypt

4. Hypogeum

The Hypogeum in Malta is the main ancient underground sanctuary on the planet. The sanctuary comprises of corridors, chambers, and sections cut out of shake. Thought to be initially an asylum, it turned into a necropolis in ancient occasions.

The complex is gathered in three dimensions – the upper dimension (3600-3300 BC), the centre dimension (3300-3000 BC), and the lower level (3150 – 2500 BC). The most profound room in the lower level is 10.6 meters (35 ft) underground. Just a set number of guests are permitted section and there can be 2-3 weeks hang tight to get a ticket.


5. Temple of Seti I

The Temple of Seti I is the funeral home sanctuary of Pharaoh Seti I on the west bank of the Nile in Abydos. The old sanctuary was built towards the finish of the rule of Seti and may have been finished by his child Ramesses the Great after his demise in 1279 BC. The sanctuary was devoted to Seti I as well as to various divinities.

The brought reliefs up in this old sanctuary are probably the best and most nitty-gritty in all of Egypt. The sanctuary likewise contains the Abydos King List. It is a sequential rundown of numerous dynastic pharaohs of Egypt from Menes, the Egyptian lord credited with establishing the First line, until Ramesses I, Seti’s dad.

Temple of Seti I

6.Hagar Qim and Mnajdra

The megalithic complex of Hagar Qim is situated on a precipice on the southern edge of the island of Malta. The Mnajdra sanctuaries are around 600 meters further down the bluff. Hagar Qim comprises of a fundamental sanctuary and three extra megalithic structures next to it. The biggest stone monument at Hagar Qim is about 7 meters (23 ft) high and loads around 20 tons.

Mnajdra comprises of three conjoined yet not associated sanctuaries. The most established sanctuaries were worked somewhere in the range of 3600 and 3200 BC. Numerous ancient rarities were recouped from inside the sanctuaries proposing that these old sanctuaries were utilized for religious purposes. These structures were not utilized as tombs since no human remains were found.

Hagar Qim and Mnajdra

7. Ggantija Temples

High on a slope on the island of Gozo is the Stone Age Ggantija ancient sanctuary complex. Built from 3,600-3,000 BC, the Ggantija sanctuaries are the most punctual of a progression of megalithic sanctuaries in Malta, pre-dating Egypt’s pyramids and Britain’s Stonehenge by over 1,000 years. This megalithic landmark is in certainty two sanctuaries, assembled one next to the other and encased inside a limit divider. The various dolls and statues demonstrate that the sanctuaries were perhaps the site of a Fertility clique. The sanctuaries on Malta are the most seasoned sanctuaries in Europe. It is one of the oldest temples in the world.

Ggantija Temples

8. Temple of Amada

One of the oldest temples in the world, the Temple of Amada is the most seasoned sanctuary in Nubia and was first developed by Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III in the fifteenth century BC. The sanctuary was devoted to Amun and Re-Horakhty. Changes and design were completed by later pharaohs. Akhenaten had the name Amun decimated all through the sanctuary for instance while Seti I had this reestablished once more. Despite the fact that the sanctuary is very little and has disintegrating outside, its inside highlights probably the most finely cut reliefs with brilliant and dynamic hues.

Temple of Amada

9. Gobekli Tepe

Here and there alluded to as the principal sanctuary or most established sanctuary, Göbekli Tepe is an asylum based on a peak in southeastern Turkey. The houses or sanctuaries are round megalithic structures while the dividers are made of unworked dry stone and incorporate various T-molded solid mainstays of limestone that are up to 3 meters (10 ft) high.

The site was raised by seeker gatherers in the tenth thousand years BC (!) making it by a long shot the most established human-made spot of love yet found. Göbekli Tepe does not just originate before stoneware, and the creation of composing or the wheel however it was additionally worked before the start of horticulture and creature farming.

Gobekli Tepe

10. Palace of Knossos

Found around 5 km (3 mi) south of Heraklion, the Palace of Knossos is the most significant and best known Minoan royal residence complex in Crete. The extraordinary royal residence was constructed step by step somewhere in the range of 1700 and 1400 BC, with occasional rebuildings after decimation until it was crushed for the last time by flame.

The royal residence involved living spaces, banquet halls, workshops, hallowed places and storerooms all worked around a focal square. The primary capacity of the royal residence is still under discussion. It could have been utilized essentially as an authoritative focus, a religious focus—or both, in a religious way. Knossos is likewise regularly connected with the legend of the Athenian saint Theseus slaughtering the Minotaur. It is one of the oldest temples in the world.

Oldest Buildings

These are the oldest temples in the world. Do post your comments.

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