If you have started reading this article, you are looking forward to making some changes to your house. Just know that you have to set up a plan and then a budget that will help guide you in your decisions about renovating the house.
Making changes in a house does not mean that you make it worse, so make sure to research, talk to an expert and then go forward with it. Listed below are 5 things that can make your house look dated which will help you understand what stays and what leaves,
Too many DIY’s:
Image source: pexels.com
DIY stands for doing it yourself, and it has been in fashion for quite some time. There are many different pages and channels on social media that show different DIYs every other day that seem to be fun to make and try at home, but that does not hide the fact that DIY is outdated and dull.
The process of watching a DIY is always fun, where you see how the fun thing is done and make it even better since your knowledge increases. You learn a skill that you can utilize later in life at any time, but that does not hide the fact that too many DIY’s in the house makes the house look immature and crowded.
If you see anything fun, make it, but make sure not to go overboard by making too many things and putting them in your rooms. One or two things for your bedroom and two to three things for the drawing-room should be enough as they can tell others that you are good at making stuff on your own, it is also not always good to save money through DIY so spend something. When all of it comes together, I am sure your house will look beautiful but decent and classy at the same time.
Small scale furniture:
Small scale furniture is small furniture such as a small dining table, bar chairs, dining chairs, glass table and so much more. It can work great if you have a small apartment or a small room since it can make the room look cute and come in handy if you have guests over, or provide additional storage like these console tables here. Still, there are many downfalls to the small scale furniture too.
Small scale furniture makes the room look smaller even when it is a big room; if there is a big party, then the tiny scale furniture looks no more than pieces coming in the way and disturbing people and most of all it makes your house or apartment look dated and old fashioned. I am not asking you to throw everything away and keep nothing because that will be crazy, keep some of the pieces but get rid of most of them.
You can keep the chosen pieces in chosen rooms such as the drawing-room, the entrance, the doorway, your living room, or your room so that it looks classy and does not give off a negative vibe to anyone visiting the place. To find out the perfect pieces for your house, head onto HomeAddons because they provide everything at reasonable prices.
Entertainment systems in a house:
Image source: homedit.com
Built-in entertainment systems were such a huge hit when I was a kid, any kid who had an entertainment system in their house was a king because whenever they would invite other children to their house, you would never get bored but are out of style.
Many people now have entertainment rooms with all the fun things such as games, movies, a built-in cinema house, and so much more that keeps them hooked while the other rooms of the house are safe from them. The style of homes that are considered to be trendy nowadays are chic, less to zero furniture, light colors, and they must give off a very chilled and warm vibe. An entertainment system can be loud, noisy, and the neighbor can have a problem with it.
Today, technology has improved so much, and bulky, outdated entertainment systems are not welcome anymore, replace them with smart applications that are much better to play with, and can keep you hooked for a longer time.
Old drapes:
Not to sound extremely traditional, but drapes are an essential part of the house that can make or break the impression on any individual visiting you. The modern trend in interior design is more concerned with functionality rather than tacky and overpriced things. If you want to make your space look modern, then the first thing that you need to get rid of is vertical blinds.
They are not from this era of interior design. You cannot make them look chic, so this is one of the things I recommend that you get rid of. Another thing that you should keep in mind is that over the top drapes might look good in movies, but they certainly aren’t modern, especially in a space for a middle-class household. If you’ve got limited space, you recommend that you go for lightweight curtains that are functional.
Try not to go for the overpriced silk and velvet drapes, as they can ruin the place’s whole aesthetic and not to forget they are never more comfortable to clean, so even if you do consider them, the extra money will be spent on their cleaning every six to eight months. Make functionality your priority, and you can never go wrong.
Throw out the readymade paintings and make yourself your gallery wall:
Image source: elle.com
To decorate the house, everyone does different things that impact their house and sets the theme for it. Many put plants around the other; some make a fancy doorway while others buy paintings and put them up on walls. The paintings on the wall may look great, but having a readymade wall is old fashioned and can ruin the entire house’s entire image.
The trending concept to decorate a house nowadays is making your gallery wall by printing articles, printing poems, and printing mind-blowing quotes to put on the gallery wall. You can get the frames in one color or in different colors as to whatever suits your gallery wall’s base to make it look classier.
To sum it all up, these suggestions are no hard and fast rules that you must follow; you can research on the internet and find more ideas to make your house look up to date and prettier. It’s your house; you know what will look good or bad.