Can my dog eat

Can Dogs Eat Lobster – 2024 Pet Diet Guide

Ask any dog owner, and they will tell you what treat dogs are to have around. As they run around your house, wagging their tail, and showering you with affection, you can’t help but feel fond of them.

After all, who else is there for you through thick and thin? Who else never complains if you are late and, instead, excitedly follows you around upon your arrival? Surely, dogs are the best companion to have.

If you are a dog owner, you would know that owning a dog is not just all fun. It is an immense responsibility too. It is because your pets are entirely dependent on you for food, care, and shelter. Therefore, it is your absolute duty to provide your loyal buddy with a sanctuary to feel safe in and food that fulfills its dietary needs and helps maintain its health.

Many dog owners wish to provide their dogs with unusual food items to eat. They want to treat their dog to things other than conventional dog food and packaged treats. They also want to share their food with them.

It is a lucrative act, sharing food with your dog. However, many of the food items we wish to share with our adorable pets do more harm to them than good. One such item is lobster.

Many dog owners often ponder, can dogs eat lobster? The answer to this question is, yes, they can. However, it is not advisable that they do.

Why you should not feed lobsters to your dog

There are multiple reasons as to why you should avoid giving lobster to your beloved pet.

Too much sodium

One reason for not feeding your pet lobster is that it features a high sodium content. If you have ever paid attention to the ingredients and packets of premium quality dog food, you will always find a brand that takes pride in the fact that it features low sodium content in its product.

Such a feature is marketed to portray how good a given product is. This shows that anything with too much sodium is not an ideal food for dogs. Ask vets, and they will tell you that intake of food with high sodium can lead to damage to your dog’s kidney and sodium ion poisoning, both of which are issues that you should strive to avoid.

Too much fat and cholesterol

Lobsters are known to contain a high amount of fat and cholesterol in their composition. Both of these elements can be detrimental in excess to the health of your dog. It is because high fat content can lead to the incurrence of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, which is known to be fatal when left undetected and untreated for an extended period.

Furthermore, anything that is high in cholesterol will lead to obesity. Such a fact is true for both humans and animals. Since a lot of cholesterol accompanies lobster, it too leads to obesity in pets. Obesity, in turn, is the root of many other diseases, ranging from high blood pressure to heart problems.


Just like some humans are allergic to lobster and other seafood, many dogs exhibit a similar condition. Food allergies are common in dogs. While such allergies are usually limited to wheat, grain, and soy, several dogs with a sensitive stomach may also be allergic to lobsters.

When you feed your dog seafood and it starts exhibiting symptoms like diarrhea and skin rash, it is probably allergic. The first thing you should do if such symptoms occur is to take your dog to a vet.

Never give your dog a lobster shell

Some dog owners make the mistake of giving a lobster shell to their dogs to chew on. It is a dangerous move, however. While your dog needs something to chew on to satisfy its need of devouring on something for an extended time, giving it a lobster shell is not a good idea.

This is because shells not only have an immensely hard material, but they are also very sharp. Even if your dog merely chews on the item, a shell may tear its teeth and oral cavity. Once ingested, not only does the shell pose a risk of tearing its esophagus, but it may also perforate its intestinal tract. If your dog eats a shell, regardless of how small it is, it is advised that you take it to the vet as soon as possible.


All in all, ask any vet the infamous question, can dogs eat lobster, and they will tell you that they can. They will also tell you not to do it. If you are still adamant to give your dog this treat, it is better to give it in moderation and not make it a daily or even an occasional habit.

Lobsters, while edible and not poisonous, have no health benefits for dogs. What is the point of feeding your dog something which has various health drawbacks and lacks even a single advantage?

If you wish to feed your dog lobster because you want to provide it with something that would satisfy its taste buds, there are various other delicious treats in the market for you to choose from. For more options check out If you want a premium quality product, not only will it prove to be a tasty treat for your dog, but it will also be equipped with an array of health benefits.

Therefore, we advise you not to feed your dogs lobsters. It poses too much risk and no sort of return at all. It is your responsibility to ensure that your dog lives a long and healthy life, and such food items will do more harm than good. Avoid lobsters, and make sure that lobster shells are never accessible to your beloved pet.

Provide your dog with the best of everything because it deserves it. Apparently, lobster does not fall into this category.

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