Long-distance travel can be quite a challenge. You need to plan everything carefully. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your trip. We will also talk about the things you have to know during the ride. For even more tips and information about the motorcycling lifestyle, visit yourmotobro.com
How to Prepare
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Here you will find tips about trip preparation. They are aimed at helping you get the essential things.
If you have never taken a long trip, you need to calculate how many kilometers per day you can drive. It is very individual and depends on the bike, the quality of the roads, the weather, and your stamina. You can arrange a weekend trip-test drive and understand how many kilometers per day you can overcome. In the future, this will help to plan the route and not be late more accurately.
Spend your strength right. On the first day of the trip, plan the longest distance, and gradually reduce the number of kilometers designed. It is necessary to leave the smallest segment of the path for the last day. As a rule, travelers have the least energy left on the previous day. Don’t forget to rest. Plan your trip so that you make a small stop of 5-10 minutes every few hours. It will help you conserve energy.
Make a map of points of interest if you plan to visit cities or natural attractions. Plan all your visits for the first part of the route. Decide in advance whether you will always sleep in a tent or stay in motels or campgrounds. With a tent, you can stop almost anywhere, but if the rain catches you off guard, it may not be convenient.
It would help if you planned all your expenses. The list of costs must include gas, food, and housing. Besides, you should have the money in stock.
The essentials
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Warm clothing is essential when traveling. Especially if you plan to keep driving after the sunset. If the day turned out to be cloudy and even humid, the long movement would seem a challenge to you the following night.
Using a selective approach during packing is essential. Many motorcycle travelers use a tank bag, but only put in what you need most often on the way. Such things as a flashlight, pressure gauge, sun protection cream, route maps, and other small but necessary things must be carried in a tank bag so that they are always at hand.
What to Consider While Traveling
There are also some tips on how to drive yourself. They will help a beginner maintain their strength.
Things to avoid
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Forget about high speeds. In this case, high speed does not mean that you will arrive at your destination faster. Instantaneous and average rates have little relationship with each other. At low speed, you can admire the scenery, and as a result, in a day with less physical losses, it covers much more significant distances than a racer seeking to overtake everyone and show the best time on the site.
It’s better to get rid of coffee and stimulant pills. The use of things aimed at keeping the body awake is not justified. If you feel exhausted, it is better to find a suitable place and sleep off. It is better not to consider other options.
Get rid of everything that can distract you or play the role of a potential irritant, no matter how insignificant these factors may seem to you. Any source of irritation and distraction requires additional energy to be expended in suppressing them. Even initially, small problems tend to grow to enormous proportions on a long journey and consume your life in the form of a series of successive stresses. Avoid such things on the road to move calmly and enjoy your ride.
There is one more very important point that should be noted in the end. It would be best if you stayed away from trucks while driving. These vehicles are so huge that the driver may simply not notice you., which is quite dangerous.
Rest and health
As soon as the desire to close your eyes from fatigue begins to manifest itself, at least for a split second, the state becomes lethargic. You have to look for a safe place to stop and sleep Urgently. Other symptoms of fatigue: you cannot maintain a given speed without undue stress. When driving in the dark, you forget to switch from high beam to low beam. If you see that you are involuntarily slowing down and then, realizing this, you nervously turn off the gas to catch up with time, it’s time for you to rest.
It’s better to take vitamins during a long motorcycle ride. The best option is multivitamins, which are taken one per day. However, it is better to consult a doctor about this because the recommended type of vitamins in hot weather and traveling in the fall may differ. For a long journey, special attention should be paid to those drugs that prevent muscle leakage and cramps.
If you want and have some extra time, you can use regular paper maps of roads and other means — this will give the trip a certain charm, help you get to know the locals, and almost certainly guarantees adventure. Simultaneously, the navigator will significantly simplify life, especially in a foreign city and a foreign country, where, in parallel with finding the right place, you will still have to deal with traffic peculiarities on the go.
Long trips involve overtly monotonous landscapes that can be boring and dangerous. In this case, you need to have a player with your favorite music with you, preferably funny, so that it does not make you sleepy. You can stop and have a snack on the way. The jaw muscles’ work slightly increases the blood flow to the brain, thereby reducing the likelihood that you will feel sleepy.
Good Luck on the Road
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Now you know how to prepare and behave appropriately while traveling. The main thing is to plan and calculate everything in advance and be prepared for the unexpected that can happen to you along the way. Remember to pack your essentials and take care of yourself along the way. It’s crucial to remember the necessity of rest, food, and sleep.