
How to Start a Hiking and Travel Blog – 2024 Guide

If you love to travel and you want to share that experience with other people you can do so easily. Nowadays, everyone is online. We all follow someone who is traveling and sharing their information whether through videos on YouTube or other platforms or through blogs and written content.

A majority of people run blogs as a part of their hobby. They just want to document their journey and if someone finds it useful it is a plus.

In this article, we will talk about what it takes to start a hiking and travel blog. Keep in mind that this isn’t easy as it seems, especially if you want to earn a living this way!

1. What’s the main topic?


Even though you will be traveling and that is the main area of your research and blog content, you need to be more precise. For example, a great blog would be about Hiking trails around the world or hiking trails in America, where the focus is clear. In addition to that, there has been a large majority of bloggers who focus on food, for example. All the film is restaurants and they try dishes from every country.

The best way is to provide your audience with something unique. For example, a lot of people have visited Ibiza, but how many have been to an Uzbek exclave surrounded by Kyrgyzstan entirely, that is available to enter only in a soviet bi-plane? Only Bald and Bankrupt!

The point is that he has found a niche – visiting Russia and former Soviet countries and visiting forgotten and dilapidated parts no tourists go to. There are more vloggers and bloggers nowadays that are following in his footsteps, but if you could find the topic of your blog, you’d have a higher chance to be successful.

2. When Do you Write?

Considering that you are doing a travel blog, you will need to carry your equipment with you. That means that you should have your laptop constantly with you, but also a notebook to write down your thoughts as you go. You will need a professional camera as well to take pictures and record videos.

Writing as you go will be a bit difficult because you will need to visit a lot of places and in your downtime, you cannot just rest, you have to work. However, there is always a writing service provided by in case you need to launch a new article and you are already late. Of course, you need to develop your own voice and the articles have to be authentic for your audience to follow you.

However, they can help you with writing ads, mailing lists, etc, anything that is related to your blog. Remember – running a blog is much more than just writing and posting articles.

Therefore, make sure you organize your time well and divide the day between visiting places and working.

3. Visit Places and Link


If you are going on hiking trails, there’s probably not much to visit here in terms of restaurants, coffee shops or shops in general. However, hiking trails are close to smaller cities which serve as the base for your hike. There you can find a lot of things that will be interesting to include in the article.

For example, you can visit restaurants and take pictures and talk to the owner about running a business there, what the challenges are, who often visits, etc. Later on, you can link to their websites and in return, they can share your blog on social media and promote you.

This way, you can help each other grow and develop. To make this work, it has to be genuine. If you really like something you see, feel free to approach people and propose this type of exchange. You will be surprised with how many people are willing to help you promote your blog, especially when you will help them as well.

4. Creating a Website

One of the biggest challenges is to create and maintain your website. Working from home is hard enough, let alone when you travel. Therefore, our advice is to have someone who is skilled in creating and maintaining websites.

Having a person who can help you post your content and advertise it will make your job a lot easier. You will be able to focus on traveling and writing instead of worrying about a bunch of problems that can occur with the site.

The more people you manage to gather around your project the better. Ideally, you would have one person who would worry about your site, the other one who would be in charge of marketing, and someone to edit your texts and add images and edit videos.

But the reality is that sometimes, that can cost a lot. Our advice is therefore to start simple. You can do everything by yourself, but if you can get help from a family member or a friend don’t hesitate to ask.

5. Advertise Your Blog


This may be hard to hear, but nobody cares that much about you traveling the country. Nobody knows that you are doing it also. Therefore, you will need to advertise your blog. This can be done through social media and be quite effective. The important thing is to be proactive in your campaign and see if somebody is willing to advertise your blog and display it to their audience that may be interested in what you have to say.

Often, you need to give something in return. That can be money, simply or some other service such as adding their place to your list of best spots to visit, or anything else. It is up to you to see if it is worth it or not.


Starting a hiking and traveling blog isn’t difficult, but keep working on it can be a challenge. You will constantly be on the road and you will have to work all the time. Getting all the help you can be crucial to your success.

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