Can my dog eat

Can Dogs Eat Nectarines – 2024 Pet Diet Guide

Nectarines are the juicy fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family of fruits such as apples, peaches, and plums. They are juicy and tasty and are a perfect sweet treat on a hot summer day. Nectarines are packed with goodness as they are an excellent source of dietary fibers, vitamins A and C, potassium, and magnesium.

If you’re enjoying these juicy fruits in summers, it is most likely that your dog will also want to taste them. However, the question is, can dogs eat nectarines? This post contains all you need to know about nectarines, their nutritional benefits, and different serving ideas.

What are nectarines?

Nectarines have a smooth skin and are a gene variant of peaches. They are very similar to each other and generally have a white or yellow flesh. Nectarines have smooth skin, while peaches have fuzzy skin. These fruits don’t grow on a specific tree but have the same parent trees as peaches.

Thus, nectarines are considered as the genetically mutated form of peaches. They have similar pits as peaches and are said to be more flavorful and easier to eat. These fruits have a considerable amount of vitamins A and C.

Can I give my dog nectarines?

A dog is considered a man’s best friend as it performs various roles. It protects us and helps us in different tasks such as hunting, pulling loads, finding things, and herding. Dogs are faithful animals and will never leave you alone when you’re in danger. Dogs have also been found to help disabled people.

They are the most popular pets on earth and have been kept as pets for centuries. If you have a dog, you must know the value of its love. A dog is not just a cuddly pet to play with but a living being which is there to participate in your happy and sad days.

If you have a pet dog, you must take care of its diet and fulfill the responsibilities of a pet owner. You should raise your pet in a healthy way and provide it with the best food and living conditions. Dogs easily get used to what we eat, and they can digest everything such as vegetables and even raw fruits.

If you’re eating fruits in front of your dog, it will most likely ask you to have a bite. Dogs love to eat anything that they come across, so they will want to eat the peaches and nectarines you’re enjoying in summers as well. It is safe to feed your dog peaches and nectarines, but there are some things to consider.

You can give your dog nectarines but start with a small amount and observe it for any changes. If the dog doesn’t show any allergy or ill symptoms, you can increase the amount of the fruits. Following are some do’s and don’ts about feeding nectarines to your pet:

1. In moderate quantity

Dogs can eat nectarines and peaches in moderate quantities only. Moderating the amount of nectarines or peaches is important to make sure your dog is not being overfed. Carefully cut the nectarines into pieces, take out the pit, and give it to your dog. Depending on the size of your dog, you can feed it 1 to 4 nectarines in a day.

2. Don’t give canned nectarines

Canned nectarines and peaches contain syrups that add flavor and color to the fruits. The syrup has no nutritional value and contains lots of water, sugar, and preservatives. Foods that contain a lot of sugar are not good for dogs.

Eating canned fruits can affect the behavior of your dog and make it more hyper than ever. If you regularly feed it canned nectarines, it would increase the risk of diabetes in your dog and might even cause obesity. The sugary foods can also be a threat to your dog’s dental health.

3. Never give rotten nectarines

Never think of giving rotten nectarines to your dog as they can be dangerous. Rotten peaches and nectarines can produce ethanol when they reach the stomach. Ethanol is a toxic compound and can prove to be very harmful to your dog.

4. Don’t feed nectarines as a primary source of food

Nectarines should not be given to dogs as a primary nutritional source. These fruits may contain many beneficial minerals and vitamins, but dogs need a lot more variety than just these compounds.

They need a healthy balance of minerals, vitamins, and protein. You shouldn’t forget that dogs are carnivores and their diet relies mainly on meat and other protein-related foods. Nectarines should be served as rare treats only.

5. Never let your dog eat the pits of nectarines

Nectarines’ pits can be very harmful to your dogs. They can be a choking hazard for them and if swallowed, they can cause indigestion too. The pits of these fruits contain poisonous cyanide, which is harmful to humans as well as dogs. The nectarine pits can cause stomach ache and other problems too. Therefore, always cut the fruit and remove the pits before feeding it to your dog.

What to do if my dog swallowed a pit?

If your dog eats a pit by chance, look for the signs of choking and intoxication. Your dog may show signs of dizziness, excessive drooling, shock, dilated pupils, or heavy breathing. Mostly, dogs swallow the pits quickly and digest them too.

However, if they eat too many pits, it can be harmful to them. If you have a small dog, then it is more likely that it will suffer from intoxication.

Bottom line

The flesh of ripe nectarines and peaches is perfectly fine to give to your dog. It is rich in minerals, beta-carotene, fibers, vitamins A and C, and potassium. The dietary fiber is excellent for your dog’s digestive health, and vitamin A is good for its skin, fur, and eyes.

Potassium also keeps the dog’s body healthy by maintaining the balance of fluid within the body. Dogs can consume a few nectarines in a day quickly. Just make sure there is no pit inside, and the fruit is washed and is not rotten.

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